Welcome to my website.
I'm 43yrs young, am married to my soul mate and we've a young son together, a cat and a dog.
My whole life has been geared up for me to have the abilities, experience and wisdoms that I have today.
It is known that Starseed/Galaxean beings commit to experiencing many challenges to bring the abilities that was agreed to share for the many and I've worked hard at overcoming all forms of childhood abuse, many life trauma's, depression, considered/diagnosed illnesses, self loathing.
My first guide Violet was with me from a young age and ensured that my psychic and clair senses were activated and my upbringing ensured that I formed a deep relationship with our maker and all that is.
I was taught to work on my development and to be accountable to our maker and me.
I formed a deep love and compassion of all, a sensitivity that can feel and see the pain in another and as time went on through my own experiences with the dark night of soul phases that we experience.
I've a deep love of nature and after trauma realised the ability to connect with plants, flowers and trees and the shaman ancestor within me has taught me much medicine, within all things including the use of the elements.
I developed many tools, that have helped pull me through, that together we can now tailor to help you.
My mission statement and promise to our maker has always been to hear with my heart, love unconditionally, nurture and to be a bridge for others to recieve what is needed in the now, to be Ampowered(empowered) and to realise who they wish to be, allowing the authentic self to finally shine through, and to honour their hearts deepest desires.
I started working with Tarot in my early 20's after being inspired by another, at this time I also invested in myself by being attuned to Reiki.
As the years went by I was also drawn to incorporate and use angel/Oracle cards.
I received further attunements to gain the master level of reiki and with Intuitive flow it has become Alchemic because of the guidance I continue to receive for it.
I also took a basic counselling skills course.
And through out my earthly based jobs that have been very varied, have become an excellent communicator, that can speak with every type of human, wherever they may find themselves.
As time went by and I was heart led to follow further development, I was inspired to unlock the Shaman, the energetic master, which flowed through to my receiving heartbased channelled messages and I soon realised within my clients sessions that I was connecting to their higher self, guide teams, ancestors, ascended masters archangels, galactic beings who considers themselves to be a part of the person's team, their animals and our source creator.
All of which in turn led to utilising the power of sound in many forms and Light-Language.
The experiences with all of these things have led me to realise the life changing and visible effect it has had upon me, witnessed by my family and friends and, those that have been drawn to work with me, I've seen many shifts and ampowerment with emotional healing that has led many to truly find joy, contentment, inner peace and has enabled them to live a fulfilled life and I'm truly grateful, honoured and humbled to be a part of their journey.
I have a deep sense/responsibility of 'duty of care' which means the work I give, does not diminish or disempower an individual or create unhealthy cords.
We are here to feel our way through life not to be given all the answers, as to do so means you won't become independent, confident or trust yourself and your guidance.
Right here and now, I am within joy to share all that I am with you, thank you for being here.
Take a good look around the website and at the many services that will be of great benefit and know whichever you are drawn to will be a Catalyst to you becoming the best version of you.
See also some of the beautiful testimonials.
I look forward to meeting you.