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Higher Hearts Collective Message

Writer's picture: GemStarGemStar

Peace starts within.

Choose peace above all.

Do not judge others choices...

The same as you request others not to judge your choices.

Consider that each chooses what is right for them, as you have for you.

Every choice has different levels of awareness, so no choice is wrong unless it impacts on anothers free will.

Everything you chose to experience is a perception of your chosen reality.

Therefore if you choose to stand in your power and speak your truth, do not expect others to see it as their truth.

Your truths are truths for a limited time, until you reach a different stage of ascension then they become non truths as you transform your belief systems to vibrate at another level. You will then discover new truths.

Consider now the truths you once had that once you expanded into your current consciousness are no longer your truth, yet when they were your truth, they served you and assisted you on your path to now.

Therefore allow each their truth, whether you are aligned or not.

Because it is observed to be causing much disruption and further separation.

There is no need to be right to others as long as each of you can justify your actions to yourself.

I'm called to share that along our path, I've discovered the power of intent.

If you desire something to realise it you believe it is so, then so it is.

For example we learn to believe in the power of words and how important it is to speak to ourselves and others kindly, we learnt to speak lovingly to our water, food and animals.

We learnt that we can focus our intent to change the perceived negative actions that we witness upon the earth.

For example, we create crystal grids and set intent to increase vibrations for ourselves and the planet, we learnt to change chemicals in the atmosphere into minerals that have been depleted from our soils.

The list of intent examples goes on.

Yet the message is, that we do own that ability and are encouraged to use it in all things.

I've used it upon medications that I have to take for diabetes, injections that my son had to have, I've set intent for the surrounding schools to have energetic crystals that cleanse the school of unstable or negative energies, and for the surrounding people to have cleansed water, if their higher self agrees. (It's always important not to step on anyones chosen experience, and therefore my truth is I shall use the power of intent and knowledge for all other things that are around us at present. (Didn't want to mention the specifics as these platforms tend to hide stuff relating to that subject)

Consider how your intent could help you and your family.

I ask for protection for all of my immediate family and friends as long as it doesn't disrespect their choices to experience.

Recently someone close to me was getting worked up by others actions, I asked them are you happy you are doing right for you, they said yes.

Then asked them to consider do they know all the mitigating circumstances, belief systems of the other whose actions annoyed them, they said no. I encouraged them to consider if the other persons actions had hurt them or caused them to be ill, the answer was still no.

However that person felt the other persons actions were selfish and that they had a right to be somewhat upset and I agreed, however rather than just voicing it, I asked them to consider how they could utilise this energy to help others who may also be upset at such actions of others.

Sometimes we forget that their are people in positions to speak for us where it matters.

So could the supermarket, bus company, employer be emailed, and called upon to bring back more stringent processes so that people feel safer shopping etc...

Maybe the local council or M.P's could be emailed the list of concerns also.

Or if your belief is with a deep conviction, voicing it to the universe then wait for it to change, knowing it will.

Just ask and receive!

Many revelations are due, however our heart implores us to remember that for those that chose to experience this situation as real it is.

For those like myself, I am here to observe, witness, hold space and to advocate a return to inner peace.

Where there is minimal fear and an increase in tolerance, understanding, compassion and kindness.

Yet how can this be, if we are right and they are wrong still is the biggest blinding challenge...

Of course and without a doubt there are people that have hidden and double agendas, yet it doesn't mean that everything is a lie, usually the truths are overstretched.

So consider now peace requires unity first within.

Take a deep breath then exhale all that no longer serves you and maintain your inner peace, then if your heart so calls expand it to outside of yourself.

I love and accept you as I accept myself from the beginning of creation.

Love Gemma

One of Your Hearts Advocates

Humbly in Service to One & All

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