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The Best Way To Share Your Energy! 

Writer's picture: GemStarGemStar

Immediate Release Message and Guidance

Being a founding and defining year, there will be many ups and lows.

However over the last year, we've built up our belief in our ability to come through it all.

There is set to be many events around us to really trigger and squeeze out the last layers of fear.

Everything we do to attain our desired dimension, must be in the energy of love and faith.

So when in fear...

What tools have you prepared, to bring you back to your heart, and to have faith and trust that all is playing out as planned.

This includes all (disasters), each being involved, agrees to play a role within the said (disaster).

Much is still to be revealed/uncovered/disclosed, this will send us all into ourselves to reassess and rediscover all that we are and know.

This is within the energy of our highest good and returning to our Divinest state of being...

As we birth into our definitive adult being and soul, and build upon those foundations, more still have to crumble and be flattened in order to strengthen and build upon.

I hear you, and at this point we sigh in acceptance of the journey, and all we came to achieve, attain and give.

We've got each others backs, now more than ever... and we are blessed to have formed the physical connections that add to our strength.

My heart in this moment is compelled to remind us all of the infinite courage, and infinite beings that we are, we truly do underestimate ourselves and all that is.

The prayers and love that we send by intention are so very powerful and aids our highest aspects in delivering the plan, in whichever! role we chose.

For example we may send healing, however the higher aspect that receives that may decide to use the energy to assist the souls ascension/passing, or to recieve an extra flow of courage.

Te~rra(aka Gaia) utilises the intentions we send in the same way, we are all to note that going forward it would be best to send the energy of love from our heart without a visualisation of how it will be used, or without expectation of the outcome, Source and the beings that are aware of the ultimate plan, spend much time having to rewire (so to speak) the energy we send with expected outcomes, they do not mind of course, they understand, we do it from a place of love.

Yet it would be far easier to send the energy for the highest good of all and to be used in alignment of the god source plan.

(do ask in comments if further clarification on this is required, I'm happy to assist)

This message was received from the universal council after the Australian fires, and as such this is to be heeded going forward, for myself included.

The universal council came to me just over 3 years ago, they facilitated my being able to experience a very deep meditation and they jumped my time lines as a well done for coming through so many things. I've shared elements of this meditation and my experience of it on a few occasions, and at this point they wish to remind me and you, of when they connected me to everything and I was able to impact on the weather, the moods of those around me and when they disconnected me, I was reminded that as a human being we are separated to some degree because we agree to not know all and therefore to be completely connected to all that is can have serious impacts on the universe, when we are not aware of the plan.

This has been shared to ask us to expand our thoughts before acting, so that we acknowledge extra energy and love is needed to be shared at times where distress is seen and witnessed externally, our hearts compel us to act...

Yet in terms of repetition for emphasis, not knowing all aspects of the plan, or the higher perspective of the plan and how that is to be played out by those involved, including animals, always intend in your prayers that the powers that be accept your energy and utilise it in alignment with the divine plan.

Archangel Metatron stands close and reminds us to use our merkabas for all forms of Multidimensional travel and protection.

Know that your heart is tapped into the plan and that it highlights when, where and how you/I are to act and what you/I are to do in each moment, however the divine plan is protected so it does not give the higher perspective and all knowing.

Within this moment, I send loving energy to each of you, without expectation of outcome, yet within the trust your higher aspect will utilise it for your highest good.

Continue to practice your spiritual hygiene, affirmations are very powerful in delivering you as cleansed, protected, loved and safe.

Do practice clear mind, in order to have clarity, seeing beyond problematic situations, anxiety, resting the mind, assists in surrendering all that is not yours to be recycled for better use.

Do practice laughter, yes practice laughter, for it will assist you through your challenges also.

Dance, Sing and Create.

These life affirming affirmations (pictured below) will, also assist you greatly in feeling safe and assured and will serve to assure your ego, your life-force and will help you to remain aligned.

Infinite Love


The Universal Counsel,

Archangel Metatron & GemStaR

Please click on pic to see it in full x

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