Channelled by my higher self. Made up of three fractals, those being Archangel Ariel, Archangel Azrael Both are their feminine aspects and Queen Titania of the Fae.
Our message today brings Serenity within you and a way to give yourself this, as well as how your acceptance of it, then ripples to all that surrounds and is outside of you.
We being at one, with acceptance of who we are, seeing the strength of that, which brings you to this point, in the here and now, having learnt so much throughout this life, and many others, all this wisdom is within and accessible by you.
By accepting the authentic you, and being at one and humbly so... Knowing you are well placed or positioned right here and right now.
All other things that do not lift you or serve you, offer up in an intention of transmuting it, with love and light... For if it doesn't sit well, its of no use for you.
You see, in each moment your heart, gut and soul along with your guides and inspirers light the way, for you, to become the brightest you in each moment.
The innate love and the acceptance of loving self and others unconditionally, is truly a joy to behold and brings forth all the contentment your soul requires to feel nourished, and then you're able to share with those, that you are connected to.
Warm smiles we send to you now, filled with love within our words, for you are cherished.
Take this and accept it from us now.
We remind you how healing it is to laugh, just the sheer tone of it can heal so much within and without, you may feel you are forcing it at first, however the more you find the laughter, even in your stillest of times the easier all else becomes.
So for now dear hearts be at one with you, and the rest as they say will follow and come forth.
For the healing occurs first within and then comes without.
You are stronger than you will ever know in this existence, for we have seen your strengths time and time again, so take this within and just like a tree push your roots ever further into the depths of the earth, wrap them around each unique crystal that you find and share with the tree and crystals your energy of love and light, and therefore it will share what it has with you. The connectedness of you... is all you need in the now. Valuing self, loving self, knowing who you are in the now and not disregarding all that is within is where you start. So know our Creator/God/Source (whatever this means to you) loves You! For being You! And therefore when you find value in self, you honour the making of you, and therefore all is provided in which your heart and soul asks for.
Be at one now dear heart, for this is our message for you. We love you also and the myriads upon myriads of beings are waiting for you to request our help, all help requests that are pure of heart are honoured, please know this, for you are life itself... and just as insects tends a flower that gives of its beauty to others, we are here to do the same for you.
How vast and expanse is the love within your heart, you may duplicate this many times, to estimate, our love for you.
Below is a sample of an energetic Manadalah created by myself and channelled from our guides to aid us to heal that which requires healing, in order to receive the best serene us, right now. Focus upon the image breathing consciously and with a clear mind and allow yourself to absorb all you need for your highest good.
What you don't see here is the intent, symbols and rituals performed, to be received by you, always with the intent for your highest good. Enjoy feeling this serenity, you, we deserve it!