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Continued Expansion 

Writer's picture: GemStarGemStar

I'm excited to share, just how delighted I am to be in service. Wow following our hearts is just so... (cannot contain it to one word) Joyful, Adventurous & Exciting, Humbling, Inspiring, Uplifting, Delighting. The last week or so has been very busy, within my earthly job role, as a mother, a wife and spiritually. I've found myself in the right places at the right times, since I promised to be a willing heart to serve others, the compassion and tenderness in my heart has grown ten-fold. The strength I've found in the darkness, means now that no matter how dark it gets, I know deep within, it serves a purpose. And each time it grows me stronger, more empathetic and able to help others truly and deeply in their time of need. One day they will like me, know their own strengths. This leads me to thank each that has been there and provided that service to me, when I've needed a message of unconditional love externally in my times of need, the grace is, that I realise fully how we all go through ebb and flow, for this very reason. Hindsight in these moments, also enhance when our learnt wisdoms are just the very inspiration... Or the spark of light and love that we need in that very dark moment. To be in a position of trust, that someone bestows upon you in these moments, releasing things they've never spoken to anyone, is a credit to our Divine parent, in the light of who you've become, responsible in the deep care of duty and how people read your honourable heart energy, they see with their non seeing eyes their heart and soul is safe within your energy, a gift in that moment that I hold deep and utter respect to. I always said as a child when praying to our parent, please not let my challenging life experiences not be in vain. And hands up, I with a deep gratitude, see how my deep urging has been honoured by my one and only true parent. Thank you for absconding me from my earth parents, so that may truly see you Mother/Father. Let me share, with you, what I know with total conviction, that absolutely everything we experience here is for the highest good of one and all, nothing is ever in vain. When you are in the dark, trust you will be returned to the light (this is a cycle, with many depths of layers, to discover, uncover and expose, you to yourself and, to reveal our Divine parent to you) When you are challenged as to what to believe, it's an opportunity to re programme yourself to your perfect way of being in the now, shedding what no longer serves, the rebirth of you, is always uncomfortable, yet beautiful because it gives way to your very best version of you, in that moment, you realise you cannot be as you were. Look back a minute and see how, many times you've experienced this... Would you revert back to the you, 6 years ago, I know I wouldn't. I'm sharing this right now because our Divine Parent, knows how many, are perplexed/confused shall we say. And I'm to reiterate this life is to be considered as a virtual reality, for it isn't who and what really is. We are made in our Divine parents image, so all that goes on here, is to contain and limit our creator energies, the higher perspective is for the good of all, let's be honest now, some of our creations here on earth have been amazing and some not at all. When you hear of people say, why does God let children suffer, I'm to affirm that isn't so. We shift the blame of what generations of us have created, that which affects our soul family, these vessels allow us to see in other ways that are limited the learnt wisdom that our creator has the ability to deeply plan before creating anything, the foresight through learnt wisdom to see that elements of a creation may need tweaking in order not to give an effect that is harmful. Who created nature... Who created animals... The eco system... They are perfect yes... Now I hear you ask who created the natural disasters... Yet I'm emplored to remind you, who created the idea for us to live in the same place, in a home... If we truly lived on the land, then we would naturally migrate, be in touch with the animals around us and their warning systems for us to move on. Yes your right, it isn't how we live, but some do and nomads, tribes, may just hold the wisdom and the keys for the planet to return to that and if not, then we shall in New earth be born into a new way of being. Who hid the free energy that is accessible to us all, arrogant humans, it's not our Divine parent that let's us die of things like cancer, its us, because we refuse to accept our mistakes and stop producing harmful energies, toxins, and unclarified sound. An example is our delay in stopping what harms us and others... We all know that plastic is produced from earth's source of oil and that it doesn't decompose, how its now within the water sources, food sources, it continues. Yet people say its impossible to stop producing it with immediate effect. For a moment let's digress... When we make a mistake, we are taught to apologise and to never do it again... Right? So we could say that before we had plastic, we had other options... Yes. So with immediate effect, we could all stand as one and tell all producers of plastic, that they need to with immediate effect, use packaging and other systems they dropped once plastic become available and collectively we all work to resolve the issues caused by our mistake. Recently someone said its impossible to stop it immediately, I beg to differ, if it meant closing stuff down for a couple of days, it'd be worth it. Many have created packaging that can be fully natural and without impact or without the toxins and we have the power of intention to clear the seas and the soils of the harm we have caused. Years ago, it made an impression on me, when I saw a scientist on the t.v that wasn't very smart, say "We didn't realise how harmful the gases from cars and vehicles were on the environment. I was 11 or 12 year old at the time. And do you know what, yes there are different styles of vehicles available, but yes they stillass produce these vehicles. We have to be accountable with all we create and when we realise the harm it causes, we should stop, redesign until it causes the very least or no harm, or we've created something else that works in harmony to balance the harm or effects... We all have opinions and I truly and deeply respect that. Imagine if we were created without the ability to create nothing except a nest or find shelter for the night... Imagine if we were created without freewill and only instinct... What harm would that cause, you only have to look at the animal, sea and insect kingdoms to answer that for yourself. So, maybe in the now realise that this planet and our being on it contains all the learning we need to have foresight, hindsight and learned wisdom, because we are not of this planet we are created in the image of our creator, we haven't seen our creator here... Have we? As parents we wish to guide our children and set them up for life, so they can be the best they can be. So we allow them to make mistakes, we guide them and work to protect them, send them to school, because it's seen as the best thing to do for them. So in principle, look at this as school. I know some of you will still be saying, yes but what about this and this, all has not be covered here is my answer, so I just ask you to take what resonates and dispel they which doesn't. I have to share when I gave birth to my first born daughter at 1 day under 24weeks gestation, she was very much wanted, she lived for just over 5 hours after being born, the consultant had given me an epidural because she had 16% chance of survival. When she was born, she was placed in my stomach and I'll admit I had a thought, that I felt guilty of, for months after, I touched her back and in my head thought she felt like a dog/puppy. Years later after 7 more baby losses, I decided I wished for a dog as maybe, I thought I should give up the idea of having a child, family clubbed together to get me Betty, one day whilst standing in the garden, I was holding her and reminded of holding my daughter, I burst into tears and sobbed and at the time, I didn't know what I believed, yet I told the universe I deserved to chance to have a child. (as you know I now have a wonderful almost 7 year old SonShine) in a meditation a few years back Adama from inner earth told me most of my Angel babies were with him in inner earth and that 1 daughter was with me, I didn't understand as I had decided to be happy with all that I now had, a couple of months ago, when I was going through one of my dark developing phases, I was told that my dog is my first born daughter and that all clicked into place, all those thoughts and feelings made sense, it was then explained that my almost 24weeks of pregnancy, had facilitated her soul to come for this life experience as a dog and that in turn the life she now has facilitates her next life as a human. In this moment of complete awareness as to what this meant I felt so much joy at being with her, it explains the deeper connection we are blessed to share, yet it was also shadowed by my realisation that one day I would have to lose her again, and right there in that moment, I was given the knowing in her next human life, we would be connected together again. Secondly our son that we lost in 2010, also at 1 day less than 24weeks gestation and he lived for 1 hour, is indeed, the son we have now, that also meant that he was prepared in some way for this life and he only took 3 years to come back to us. You know when I was grieving these losses, people said things like, what's meant to be will be and it angered me greatly at the time, I want to say its so much more than we can comprehend, as shown by what I am sharing today. Yet again nothing we experience is in vain. A dear friend always knew her grandchild was her adored grandfather returned, he said things as a young child that only she knew regarding her grandfather. So my brostars and sistars, you are, we are... much more than we've been allowed, or allowed ourselves to believe... beyond human, maybe more cosmic... eternal in the eyes of our creator... Our redesigns of being in each life experience, is unparalleled, to all that we can experience, everything has a consciousness, plants, stones, crystals, water and each planet and star. The theme is Continued Consciousness Expansion. Allow yourself to continue being unlimited in attaining your beliefs, life and your existing and experience of it, it's truly beyond our comprehension and imagination of what is. Yet it is totally possible to become aware of many different facets/aspects and dimensions of what is, simply by our willingness to be open to hearing and trusting your own knowing. Infinite Love We Share from our past life experiences, current & parallel lives and continuum of our future lives. I love you Gemma

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