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Focus, Do Not Be Distracted!

Writer's picture: GemStarGemStar

As a child, bought up in a strict Christian religion, that I am no longer affiliated with. (I am however truly grateful that the experience bought me a deep and close connection to who I believe to be the creator/God) I was taught that everyone no matter their colour or creed is my brother and sister. Its that simple. I've yet to discover how we can impart this simple truth to the world. Law enforcement and their trainers require a few lessons on humanitarianism. Meanwhile its also worth noting this is a manipulation of sorts to divide and conquer and I for one shall not be manipulated or divided or separated from my human family. I emplore you to take ownership not of the media frenzy, however of your own actions towards another. If we view all as our siblings, and commit to actioning unconditional love. It can be challenging not to judge another, we've all done it, we even judge ourselves. Yet our creator showed me many misinterpretations within the channelled book. Our androgynous creator would always say when I read something that wasn't right, is that unconditional love? And if I answered no, he/she would say simply. Well then that is not me! Do you have a healthy fear of disrespecting your creator/God? Do you have a healthy fear of disrespecting yourself? As we were made in God's image and God is in all things then so are we. To disrespect another is to disrespect ourselves and our parental creator. Let us continue to expand our hearts, surrounding the entire planet with our love, for unconditional is key and so is remaining focused on your transformation, we shall continue to rise with the planet for our children and future selves to have the life our heart yearns for. Great and unconditional love our creator parent through the higher heart that advocates for you Gemma xXx

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1 Comment

Mary Cox
Mary Cox
Jun 07, 2020

I believe in all of that. Sometimes I have a problem with the people who say they are Christians and act nothing like it.

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