This message is bought to you in alignment with the soul&spirit deck Angels of Wisdom.
The Angel of the Night "This Angel lets me know of its presence by ensuring I never feel alone, even in the darkness."
The Angel of the Stars "I show love to my Angel by gazing up at the night sky and visualising my dreams."
The Angel of Dreams "I summon this Angel tonight by drifting into deep slumber where they are waiting for me."
The message that comes through my heart and the Angels, unto yours... nurturingly wishes you to know that it may seem dark and you may feel alone, yet we emplore you it is not as it seems and we encourage and urge you to ask for all the help and support from us that you need, then trust that we shall answer within divine and the most perfectly aligned timing for that support to occur. What do you envisage for your future and that of those that stand around you in this world? focus your thoughts on these matters instead of worrying about that which you and the whole of humanity does not want or need... The stars twinkle each night to remind you to always aim higher, all is possible within a loving and unconditional heart. Finally know that your being is adjusting to much right now, hence the tiredness and the health matters, intend to take some time in the arms of angels before you sleep, to ensure your mental and physical wellbeing gets what is needed whilst you slumber, you may wake knowing of changes that you yourself will need to embrace to support your continued physical journey and as ever we will support you.
Angelic love that is always given freely from our divine parent is forever being poured onto you and all, because a true parent always gives what is needed, know you shall never be denied that which keeps you thriving xXx