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Writer's picture: GemStarGemStar

As an earthling member of the galaxy and a humble bridge for humans, it is time to note that many of you came to deliver like me, your own energetic imprint within humankind.

Many are feeling lonely and like they cannot find anyone like them, this is partly true, for we all came to earth to bring something unique that was needed to restore the balance and to go beyond the human brain perception of how life should be going forward.

As regards the feeling lonely, I'm advised with a deep sistarly love to encourage you to keep your Creator Source and Galactic family close, all your family is accessible through your heart.

You may not see them as yet but in time you shall energetically, they can telepathically communicate directly to you through your hearts.

You may not hear them directly it comes through your own inner voice and with the calling in of your guides to aid you with this communication you will like me after much practice of allowing flow, beable to receive their wisdoms and support.

So take heart and be encouraged and do not over think this process.

I started off asking for the communication and would practice the clearing of earthly thoughts and reassured my ego that it could allow this form of communication and I would hold a pen and pad, ask my question and start to write, not knowing the words that would come through before I wrote them, as I practiced more this evolved and became more flowing, you are able to also ask and do the same.

Blind faith and trust is an important exercise here also, to begin with I would feel I needed some validation of what was written and would feel an anxiety of sorts is this right, am I crazy, is this what the person I'm doing it for needs to hear.

And in time those validations came sometimes in part before the full validations came.

So I learnt to trust the flow of what came through my heart telepathically and now, stand as a testament that whomever you ask to come through for someone's best interests or your own will be honoured.

Never feel that they will be too busy.

Our guides, angels are one you see and so very multi-dimensional, they describe it like a Web of connected hearts that feel and sense each other and have the ability to speak through the connected centre of All of our hearts at once.

There truly isn't any separation!

So you see the loneliness is simply a perceived perception of the human mind, you can access and feel so much, your heart can see, feel and provide you with all you need and more.

I'm now pulled through my heart to deliver this further message that will aid your conviction and strength, you have been a part of all things, especially nature, so much that we physically and mentally need is there, watch and ask and then listen to any plant for its wisdom and it shall come.

I'm called to share of one of my first experiences as regards this, many moons ago in this life expression for a situation that is not relevant to share, I was at my lowest and in despair not knowing which way to turn or how to get through, I walked and walked and found myself sat by the roadside at a bench, as I looked upwards from the pavement there in front of me was a beautiful cherry tree, in full bloom, it was there that my communication with trees began, it flowed and I believe was meant to be, as I asked what was I to do I could feel the answers coming through, such wisdom was shown to me and as I felt a strength surging through me (a gift from the trees) she drew me to look closer at her, and as I did I honed in on the roadside part of her, the bark along that side was a deep black and that side did not appear as beautiful as the side that I had been drawn to and not as healthy. What she then explained to me is that even with all that affected her on that side that she could still express her beauty and bloom and offer life to the insects that needed her on the non-roadside, it showed and told me on a very deep level, that no matter what was thrown at me, that I could find and take from nature the strength I needed to get through that situation and that I would find a way to bloom and express my own beauty through it all.

The pink blooms pulsated through my heart and a surge of love made me realise, I deserved what my heart wanted and that it was better to leave behind the things in my live that had bought me to this point.

Since this occasion I've had many more beautiful, loving and healing exchanges with many forms of nature and life, whether it be flowers or animals, sea-creatures or insects, of which I intend to share in the book our guides are compelling me to write.

However I truly hope that you in such times are inspired to connect from your heart to such incredible support that is so freely given.

Many who've come here feel to give their energies to trees, plants and animals and this is there individual expression and imprint to share and there are times that when you feel you are doing it alone that many of us energetically support each other, so know that if you are compelled in anyway to do anything to aid anyone, the planet, the soils, the sea, the animal or insect kingdom or the magical elementals or whatever, we are encouraged to not limit what this could mean to you, or that which is calling your heart to deliver.

Just know you are not crazy when it comes from your heart, remember now the times you were in the right place to help a being, or to deliver wisdoms or support that someone or thing needed, this wasn't by chance you were directed through your heart to be that bridge, and most likely you can recall the moments someone or thing was there to deliver it for you in your time of need.

Divinely guided through our hearts and that knowing and this now external validation of whom you really are...

A connected and never lonely, or without being, that is here for the same cause as us all, to bring about life beyond our compare.

You may have heard of the Indigo Children of which us older generations are also, we are joyful in acknowledging and celebrating that through each generation that we've existed in that this pathway of change has and is fulfilled.

All that occurs leads to that change, notice how your children are creating through the adults the recognised need for change in the schooling system, the adults being made aware of how different our children now are and the adults implementing the changes needed so as to be inclusive for all, (we'll leave that there for now, but as each of you nurture the seeds within your hearts, know all of them have a purpose and if it isn't the right time for you to deliver it now, someone else will) so you see allow yourself to see the divine perfection in all things, you alone are not responsible, yet we all play a role and that is within the free will order also.

You are created in complete loving oneness without separation, and lovingly supported and nurtured to deliver in your most perfect moment to do so and not a moment before.

It is mindful to mention also those that say their focus is on maintaining their own healing path and maintaining their vibration, it is said messages such as presented above make you feel that you are not giving or not in service and we stand to attest that if this is what your focus is you do serve all by doing just that, we require a balance in these times and your allowance and acceptance of controlling your energies and focusing on your healing allows others to do that for themselves and in oneness it empowers so many and maintains the balance needed for the restoration projects and alignmemts that are underway.

So with infinite bridging love

Always through the heart

Your Divine Oneness

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