Feeling at peace with decisions made and with the shift that's occurring for us all.
Remaining in love with myself and my existence.
I've been busy in my heart based earth job covering holidays, so my days off have been about valuable self care and family time.
Sometimes it's just about being fully present on earth.
Life is for living and experiencing.
Finding peace and more love in these current times has been so very important.
Everyone responds to kindness and compassion and not everyone needs to hear truths until... they... are ready to find it.
There are many souls sharing and finding truths and I'm at complete peace with my deeply known truths of all that is being bought to light.
I'm embracing my current shift, so I'm ready to support those who will need from me, when the timing is right for them.
So I am enjoying the calm before the storm, anchoring my roots ever deeper and my branches ever higher, for balance and strength are key to remaining in the energy of love.
Today I've honoured the freedom to just be and doze when needed, whilst topping up my energy and being with all the love that I am and have created around me.
I believe in my infinite strength and ability to love unconditionally whilst preserving my boundaries. I continue to shed all that no longer serves my current experience and embrace being part of a divine team, we maybe don't see the overall picture of the team, yet we follow our hearts guidance knowing our Divine parent holds all the details, meaning that all our past experiences and wisdom have led us to correct that which needed to be corrected and we are able to Surrender on each moment knowing we will honour our heart when it bids us to do so.
Praise be we've come to nurture our souls with love from within and from without and therefore honour more deeply each other and our divine parent.
I am as sovereign as you are brostars and sistars.
Believing is Seeing
All is forthcoming let your heart feel the joy for the part you and I have played in bringing about a world that is fitting, for our children and future selves.
Trust and believe that within love all is possible and is on its way.