I've not watched much news for many years now, we hear what we are meant to and my mental health has been better for it.
There are many more examples of this, if you just look.
They say truth is fake and that their fake is truth.
I ampower myself to keep my sovereign right to speak my truth. I keep my own strength and power.
Your truth may not be mine and I accept that your truth is right for you, whilst upholding mine.
I am free to speak my truth, even when bias media platforms have ai to hide it.
I am free to not conform to manipulation, control, and programming.
I am free to research and gain my own understandings.
I trust myself more than anything I'm told.
And I love and respect my entire human family warts and all and uphold our rights for equality of all.
We all count and deserve to be heard and to be respected for our individualisms.
Most of all people who are in a position to protect the people should preserve human life.
I do not consent to martial and draconian law enforcement, that does not preserve the right to life.
Love, Live and Laughter.
Enjoying rights to survive whilst being happy is what counts, for the time we have here.
Be kind
Cause no harm
Create for the good of all
We are not privileged by colour
We are privileged to have life and sharing this with all others makes living a blessing.
We made a collective mistake not to stand together for the rights of others back in nazi times, let's not make this mistake again.
Prove we've learnt from our mistakes and do not be silenced, manipulated or intimidated for the truth that humanity has a right not to be mistreated.
Sending love to the family that lost their family members to injustice or the wrong actions of another.
I am accountable for my actions and so therefore all of us are accountable for actions that harm or extinguish another life!
I do watch the news, but I can’t take but so much of it, because it’s fake and depressing and it’s propaganda in my opinion.